The view of the art room featuring illustrated names by all students and patterned portraits by 1st and 2nd grade students.
I had a busy last week at Poland Community School! First and second grade students made large patterned shelf-portraits and contemporary paper mosaics were made by 3rd grade students. Students in grades 4 and 5 finished up their observational drawings and self-assessments, and the 6th graders finished up tessellations. 
Fourth and fifth grade students practiced gesture, contour, and blind-contour drawings before beginning their final copy.
Drawings improved with each attempt!
Self-assessments gauged understanding of the vocabulary and the objective of the lesson.
I had so much fun with the patterned portraits done by the 1st and 2nd graders! Each student had to create a self portrait on three pieces of paper featuring three different patterns. Once students were finished they hung their portraits in the hallway grouped by class. The self-portraits were a colorful and welcome addition to the hallway leading to the art room. 
First grade patterned self portraits
Second grade patterned self-portraits
More second grade patterned portraits
The kindergarten students needed a one class project, so I decided to have them draw simple patterned birds. First we talked about different qualities of birds: beaks, feathers, talons, and webbed feet. Then I showed students how to make a simple bird from a half circle for the body, a circle for the head, and a triangle for the beak. Students were then asked to decorate their birds with a pattern. I was so impressed with these adorable birds from such a short and simple lesson, I would love to have more time for a project like this with the younger age group. Because we had a little  extra time in one of the classes I had students come up with a story to share about their bird(s). Hearing their stories was so inspirational- I would love to teach more literacy themed projects. 
Some students decided to draw multiple birds.
"This bird has a garden growing out of it." -Olivia
Some students were very focused on their patterns.
Some students added other elements to their compositions.
I am going to miss everyone from Poland Community School. I have learned so much from my time here. 

Next week I switch gears and start teaching at Old Orchard Beach High School!

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